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About KRPC

Karnataka Racing Pigeon Club is the oldest Racing Pigeon Club in the whole of Karnataka. It was Started in 1973 & as the unique accomplishment of having returns from Parbani (700 Kms as the crow flies) on the same day. In India we have barely 12 hours of sunlight & birds have done 700kms before sundown many times over. 

The 860 km Race too has yielded some good results with birds returning in two days and from Bhopal in Three. The longest distance flown thus far by the KRPC is Bhopal. The fastest time recorded in this Race is 2 days and this is a super feat by any standard.


The sport of Pigeon racing was conducted in Bangalore in the 1920's by a club called Bangalore Homing Society. For reason unknow the sport was discontinued. In 1973 a band of four members got together on the 18th of October and formed the Mysore Racing Pigeon Club (It was also Mysore State Then) It was later renamed the Karnataka Racing Pigeon Club Consequent to renaming of the State.

At that time no one had an idea how to go about organizing pigeon race. No books no Literature were available. But thanks to the enthusiasm of these Four Fanciers ideas were polled thing got underway. Few Places on the northwestern route were selected for training and racing. Since the birds were tested prior to this no one knew what to expect. Also Fanciers had no idea about any method of training and feeding. As a result, return were very poor and velocities deplorable. A decision was taken, and a switch was made to the Eastern Route. Results were much better from this side and in 1975 the club successfully conducted a race from Chennai a distance of about 280 kms. Encouraged by this result and because of the distance limitation on this route the club changed to the northern route. After some shuffling of race points, the club has touch to this route ever since.  In the meantime, more members joined the club. The quality of Birds also improved, Thanks to fanciers in Coimbatore and Chennai who managed to input some birds. Books and other Literature also become available. All these factors contributed greatly to the improvement in the sport. Where once flying 400 kms on the day was difficult. Now 700 is flown easily.

Founders of the Club

If we have to look for once name that can be credited with starting the club, that name will be Kevin Stephens and Mr. Wilfred Williams. It was their idea to get a club together. He was Supported by Mr. G. A Rebeiro and Mr. G.H. Rebeiro. Mr Ram Prasad and Mr. Eshwar Rao joined them a little later. Mr. M.Y. Gorphade Ex Finance Minister (Govt of Karnataka) was the patron in chief of KRPC. Mr. George Robinson served as president for a short while followed by the journalist Sydney Smith then a reporter with Bangalore new paper Deccan Herald. Later His Brother LT Col F.C. Smith, Kenny Richard, P. A Subramanian and Dr K.R.Sriram Served for the betterment of the club. Mr. Gopi the then Vice-President took over as President in 2005 followed by Mr. Afsar in 2006. And by Mr. Edison Thomas as President, Mr. Madhavan V. as Vice-President, Mr. Krishnamurthy (kitty) and Mr. Prabhu Kumar as Secretary and Mr. Manohar as Treasurer in 2007,

President Mr. Surender, Vice President – Krishnamurthy (Kitty), Secretary – Amarnath, Treasurer – Manohar for the year 2008-11, 

President Mr. Surender, Vice President – Krishnamurthy (Kitty), Secretary – Amarnath, Treasure – Chelliah for the Year 2011-2012,

President Mr. Surender, Vice President – Anand Roa, Secretary – Amarnath, Treasure –Madhu for the Year 2011-2013,

“A homing pigeon must love her home; otherwise she will not wish to return to it.”

             ~ Meir Shalev

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